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It's about time...

For too long, I have let goals become dreams, failing to plan and wasting my time and effort on the wrong things. I have intended to start this blog for years but was held back by my own self-limiting beliefs. As I sit here, watching my Philadelphia Eagles, perpetual underdogs, as they ride down Broad Street with the Lombardi Trophy, I know there is no better time than the present to start this thing. No more Groundhog Day.  So lets get rolling...


Don't take this the wrong way, gracious reader, but this is not really about you. It can't be. That idea is what has kept me from writing it to begin with. The fear that nobody will read.  Or worse still, that people will, and they will hate it, criticize it or think less of me somehow. This site and this blog are primarily for me. I need to reflect on my life through writing. It helps me process, grow and learn as a person, father, husband, and runner. There is no denying the gratitude I feel when I find out somebody else appreciates what I have written, not to mention that it has inspired or motivated them. I hope that happens and that it happens often.

A second and equally important reason for this site is that I have grown exceptionally tired of my time investment in social media and my smartphone. Do not misunderstand this idea. I'm not shunning all of social media - you probably only arrived here through facebook, twitter, etc. But it is long overdue for me to use social media rather than the other way around. I've mindlessly scrolled for too long. I have preached to others to use tech as a tool, to be mindful of their digital diets. Meanwhile, I have binged on digital candy and it has taken a toll. I have wasted time with my kids. I have read less books. I have run fewer miles. Well, it's time for a digital diet, of sorts. I am confident that this site will be a better investment of my time in the digital world. 


Running. Diet. Mindfulness. Self-improvement. Technology. Biology. Education. These are the topics that fire me up. In 2009, I started a journey towards becoming the best version of myself. A lot of that centers around my running, and that will surely be a large focus of this site. My mantra and name for this site is "relentless forward progress" which speaks to the mindset of marathon runners everywhere. Running fuels my mindset, gives me something to shoot for and mimics the highs and lows of life itself. My goal since I ran my first 26.2 has been to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Much of what I write about will relate to that goal. In addition, I set a goal for 2018 to run at least 1 mile, every single day. I am viewing it as an exercise in consistency and excuse-avoidance. Today is day 39 and I am feeling good. I have posted every run to my Instagram account, which is posted on this site as well. 

But wait, there's more! I love experimenting with Whole30 and Paleo eating. I have dabbled in mindfulness meditation. I'm fiercely passionate about using tech in the most intentional way possible and raising the next generation to be even better than our own. I love finding “against the grain” life tips that improve my experience despite what the masses subscribe to. I also love the cities of Philadelphia and Boston (I know, I know, a weird contradiction today...). 

I’m not a special guy. I’m just somebody trying to be my best and I’ve learned that sometimes sharing that experience helps others. As I approach my 40th birthday, I think about the ways in which I spend our most precious and limited resource: time. At the end of this year, I don’t want to look back and realize I could have done more with my boys, my wife, learned a new skill or reflected more. As I end each of my running posts, and as Jocko Willink says, it’s time to #getafterit. I hope you enjoy reading. 

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